St. Michaels, MD Water Taxi

Need a ride from your anchored vessel to shore?

  1. Determine your current location (see the map below).

  2. Hail the Harbor Shuttle on VHF 71 or 410.819.9606.

  3. Tell the captain where your vessel is located in the harbor, how many people you have on board, and what your vessel looks like. Helpful information for the captain is if your vessel is power or sail, the color of your hull, vessel name, the color of your canvas, as well as anything that stands out on your vessel (flags, colors, size, markings, etc. Pro tip: If you will be returning to your vessel at night, turn on lights so it is easier to spot your boat. Better yet, use different colored lights to distinguish your vessel from others. There can be over a hundred boats in the anchorage at times.

  4. Continue to monitor VHF 71.

  5. Wave at the Harbor Shuttle when you see them approaching.

  6. Wait for the captain of the Harbor Shuttle to give you directions on how to safely board the shuttle.

  7. Typically, the shuttle will drop off passengers at Blu Miles Restaurant (formerly the Crab and Steak), but let your captain know if you would like to be dropped off elsewhere.

  8. The water taxi accepts cash or Credit/Debit Card and is $5 per person each way.

  9. Before leaving the water taxi, discuss with the captain when and where you would like to be picked up. Make sure you have your handheld VHF or our cell phone number handy. 410.819.9606

Dock to Dock Service

in St. Michaels

$5 per person each way (cash or card)

$4 per child each way

Call us for pricing and availability: 410-819-9606

  • Miles River Yacht Club

  • Long Haul Creek

  • Leeds Creek

  • Deep Water Point

  • Acadia Shores

  • Oak Creek

  • Wye River

  • Tilghman Island

  • Kent Island

  • Annapolis

Dock to Dock Services Outside of St. Michaels

St. Michaels Harbor Map.png

Where to Anchor in St. Michaels, MD Harbor

North River Anchorage - as you are entering the St. Michaels Harbor from the Miles River, this anchorage is to your starboard (right hand side).

South River Anchorage - as you are entering the St. Michaels Harbor from the Miles River, this anchorage is to your port (left hand side).

Fogg’s Cove - the small basin near the Inn at Perry Cabin and the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum.

Inner Anchorage - the small anchorage inside day marker green #3 going towards the Harbour Inn Marina. Pro tip: do not anchor in between Parrot Point and day marker green #3.

There are two free public docks available on a first come, first served basis. The town docks are located near the St. Michaels Marina gas dock and on the wall of Hollis Park.

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Tow Jamm Marine Towing and Salvage


VHF - Channel 16

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Local Emergency Services

Emergencies Call 911 or VHF 16

St. Michaels Police Department 410.745.9500 or 911

St. Michaels Fire Department 410.745.9393 or 911

All Pets Vetinary Hospital Emergncy 410.829.9300